Are You Friggin' Kidding Me?

One Bostonian's Misadventures in Dating


“I just love this girl, because she’s so awesome and everyone should love her”

Well, wow. The past two weeks have been completely out of control.

So after the whole thing with the Bag Buddy kissing me and being all sweet to me- Yea, let’s catch up from there.

Please stop me if this gets jumbled and yell at me to clear it up for you. It’s complete chaos.

I hadn’t heard from MMM and decided not to reach out until after Valentine’s Day. I didn’t know where our “relationship” stood and didn’t want to build any expectations from the holiday. So I figured, I’d wait until Friday and then see if he wanted to hang out over the week. Unless, of course, he got to me first.

However, during the entire week, Bag Buddy called me a handful of times to just chat. He thanked me for always being sweet to him and taking care of him. He called me last Monday night, when I got hit hard with a mystery illness, to see if I was feeling okay and to ask me if I needed anything. He would text me throughout the week.

Oh, and #SecretCrush came back to the gym out of NOWHERE. I stopped in Wednesday night to talk to some of the guys for my radio show and he was randomly there. We grabbed some frozen yogurt with one of our other gym friends afterwards. It was fun to catch up with him!

So, Friday came and went and I didn’t message MMM. He also has not reached out to me either. I wasn’t freaking out too much about it, other than just feeling slightly sad that I wasted so much time and energy on him. I had been talking to some of my girl friends about him and Bag Buddy, including friends from our gym, and I realized that maybe I should give Bag Buddy a chance. Who knows, right? And if MMM had wanted to hang out with me, he’d put some effort into it, right?

On Sunday, my gym had this big event where we invite other gyms to come over for some smoker fights. It’s always so much fun to go to- you watch a bunch of Muay Thai fights and then we all go get trashed afterwards. However, in the middle of the whole thing, my BFF from the gym and I had plans to go to Boston University to see our friend’s senior thesis performance (he’s another kid from the gym and a theatre major- we always go to his performances). Bag Buddy was one of our guys who signed up to fight on Sunday, so I helped him get psyched up for his fight (that was mostly why he called me all week beforehand- he needed reassurance and I’m the ultimate cheerleader.

He had his fight, he did well, and then we watched everyone else’s fights. We flirted throughout the day, but everyone was flirting with everyone, so I didn’t pay much attention to it. Mostly, I was busy being the Social Director of the evening (that’s always my job- figuring out where we’re going and then getting ahold of everyone to tell them where we are).

Bag Buddy and I ended up having some alone time as we walked together to my BFF’s house to drop off his gear before heading to the bar. We didn’t talk about anything substantial. Just small talk (mostly, it was snowing like crazy so it was hard to have a real conversation). We got everyone together and then went to the bar. He and I split a pitcher and started drinking.

#SecretCrush came out of nowehere (not really, I texted him to let him know where we are) and I just always swoon when he’s around. However, I’m pretty sure he only sees me as a friend and I’m perfectly okay with that. He and I had a heart to heart about life, since we hadn’t seen each other in months. Things were good.

After a beer or two, I decided to make my move. I wanted to let Bag Buddy know that I was open to maybe starting something, so, since he was sitting next to me, I put my hand on his knee. It totally caught him off guard- to the point where he made a small scene about it- but he went along with it and just held my hand. When it came time for me to leave to go to BU, he got a little sad. I told him I’d be back in an hour after the show- that I always went to this kid’s shows and this was a big one. He kissed me and told me to text him when we were coming back.

The show was PHENOMENAL, by the way. It was a 1 man 45 minute show- in the middle of each performance, the actor would do a scene, thanking everyone. My friend turned and faced me and our other friend and made a whole scene about how much he was thankful for us in particular and how much we mean to him. It was a tear jerker for sure.

Anyway, we headed back to the bar to see that out of the group, there were only 3 guys left. And there were 2 girls there. One was all over one of the guys and one was trying to get up on Bag Buddy. He just looked at me, with this puppy dog face, and grabbed his phone. Once he finished typing, he pointed to me and then to the phone, signaling that he had just texted me. I checked my phone and he said that the other guy had asked him to wingman for him and he was annoyed and didn’t know how to get out of it. I just laughed and smiled at him and got friendly with the girl that was all over him. I felt bad for this girl, because she had no chance against me. She thought I was “so awesome and pretty” and I wanted to just say “yea, so that’s why you should leave…”, but I just let it play out. The third guy, myself, and my BFF ended up grabbing another table nearby and left the 4some at their booth.

Bag Buddy kept texting me, asking me to grab him away from this girl. I walked over there and pulled him to our table. At this point, he was really drunk and I had sobered up since I stopped drinking 2 hours before and decided I was done for the night. After some random drama from the girl who was hitting on him, he was able to chill out in peace at our table. He got all snuggly with me and just outright asked “Do you like me?” I just kinda smiled and nodded and he asked me how I liked him. I told him that I wasn’t completely sure and that it was all sudden and new to me. He ended up just leaning in and kissing me. A lot. Lots of kissing. It was slightly awkward, with our friends at the table, but it was friends that knew there was something going on between us and are rooting for the two of us to get together. I did have to push him off a little, since he was drunk and I didn’t want to get  drunk ramblings confused with actual real feelings.

So then he just yells to everyone at our table, and basically to the entire bar, “I just love this girl. She’s just so awesome and pretty and has always been there for me. Everyone should just love her.” I don’t know if I’ve ever been more embarrassed. Not because that was embarrassing, I just am weird when all the attention is on me. Our friends just looked at me and smiled and agreed with him, saying that they already loved me.

I had to leave, since I worked in the morning. We kissed as I left and we had made (drunken) plans to get together, the two of us, sometime soon. After I left, my friends ganged up on him, telling him that he needed to man up, without the alcohol, and admit that he liked me sober and take me out on a date ASAP.

Monday came and went and we chatted a little bit. I asked how his hangover was treating him and we talked about the weekend- but no mention of dating or anything. I figured he was avoiding the talk. Okay, that’s fine.

Yesterday, he texted me to ask about a video I was making him of his fight and then we just got onto chatting throughout the day. Then I finally sent a message last night asking him “Do you actually maybe like me or is that just a thing when you’re drinking?” I knew he was at the gym, but figured he’d get back to me once it was over.

He did. He called me. I really can’t get over how he actually calls to talk. I didn’t think guys did that. Anyway- basically we admitted to each other that we do like each other, but want to take it slow since we’re worried about our friendship and the dynamic at the gym. I’m not too worried about the gym- there are a few couples there and as long as you keep the relationship outside, it’s not bad.

During the call, he told me that he talked to one of the guys about it, who was supportive. He listed off some reasons why he liked me. My favorite was “I like you because you’re curious- and I don’t mean that in a perverted way, I just mean that I like that you’re just interested in everything and aren’t stuck in one particular way. You’re a lot of fun to be around because of that.”. Honestly, that was one of the sweetest things anyone ever said to me, so I was blushing pretty hard through the phone. He listed a few other reasons (I’m funny, I have nice boobs, We’re both musicians, I have nice boobs, I’m nice and sweet to him, I have nice boobs…. seriously, this is how it went, but it was a good laugh).

So while I don’t think we accomplished anything huge during the phone call, we at least know that we do like each other and are willing to slowly try something out.


Holiday Update

Before I head home tomorrow (with a pit stop to get my new tattoo), I thought I’d give you all a little update on how things are going over here.

My social media gig with FriendFlirt is going awesome. Looking forward to the launch in January. I’ll keep you updated (but you can also just click the link there and see for yourself and maybe SIGN UP!)

I won the Female Baseball Fan of the Year contest. I was going to wait to post until my prizes got here, but that seems to be taking forever. But thanks to all of you who voted for me!

I applied for a position at Fenway Park and made it passed the first round and now have a video interview with the Red Sox. Cross your fingers for me!

Muay Thai stuff is going really well, even if I haven’t been to the gym as often as I’d like. I was able to go on a “field trip” to New York City with my team and watch three of our people fight at Friday Night Fights. All three won and were HUGE upsets, which is great for our gym. Sorry, had to brag a little there, but my gym is one of the top Muay Thai gyms out there.

And last, but certainly not least, Mini Marky Mark. Things are going SO well with him, I don’t even know what to do about it. The only bad thing is that we’ve both been insanely busy and have only been able to see each other on Wednesday nights. Last week we went out to dinner to my favorite Italian place in my neighborhood. Last night we went to the same dive bar we went to on our all day date and then he came upstairs for a little while afterwards. He did mention how he was excited for the holidays to be over soon so that we’d be able to spend quality time together again, which was slightly adorable. I also invited him to this New Years party (which he’d be invited to anyway since it’s our mutual friend that’s hosting it). He’s been teasing me, saying he’ll think about it, but I’m pretty sure he’ll go with me. Especially since he’s already made plans for us to hang out next Friday, once I get back from home. So- yea. There’s that. I dig the slow pace that we’re going at, but am looking forward to our schedules relaxing so we can do something different other than grabbing a few drinks.


Happy holidays, readers!


Need to break my own rule for this

So, fingers crossed, but I’m thinking that Mini Marky Mark is totally a keeper.

Earlier this week, I won tickets for Christmas at Fenway. For you non-baseball fans, this is a special day at Fenway Park (where the Red Sox play) where you have to be specially invited. Several players, current and retired, would be there, along with opportunities to buy tickets and Red Sox paraphernalia. I was super excited and decided that I would invite MMM to go with me. He had told me that he doesn’t like baseball much before, but I knew that I wouldn’t be bringing anyone else anyway (none of my friends like sports really, let alone baseball), so I didn’t think it would hurt to invite him.

He accepted the offer, but reminded me that baseball isn’t his favorite so he wouldn’t be as excited as I would be and that he didn’t want to bring me down. I assured him that he wouldn’t and he agreed to meet me at my apartment on Saturday morning.

So yesterday morning he picked me up and it was snowing pretty hard. However, we’re from New England and that doesn’t bother us. He drove us over to Fenway and we went inside the park. I was practically dancing inside the stadium (I mean, it was pretty magical, being all Christmasy and snowy in the park, not to mention that there’s this cute boy that is hanging out with me, too). We went upstairs to the Royal Rooters Room and saw a few older players and the NESN announcers. He nudged me along to go get some autographs, while he stood back and took pictures of me from afar, meeting Jerry Remy and Don Orsillo (which by the way was SO cool). We got a few beverages and then headed downstairs to the “yard sale”. After rummaging through some of the stuff for sale, we camped out at a table and watched the interviews go on with some of the players and watched the autograph session. I had decided not to buy tickets at the event since it would have taken several hours and I had already tortured him enough (although he said he was having a good time and wouldn’t have agreed to go if he didn’t want to).

We decided to peace out after a few hours of hanging out at Fenway to go get lunch. We headed to Boston Beer Works (yay!) and grabbed lunch and some beers. While there, we chatted about stuff (nothing serious in particular) and we talked about how both go to movie theatres alone. We brought up a few movies that were out that we wanted to see and I had mentioned that I wanted to see Rise of the Guardians. Yea, I’m a child sometimes.

It was time to leave the restaurant and he asked what I wanted to do next since it was only 2pm. I had no idea what to do, but he suggested that we go to the movies and see Rise of the Guardians. I laughed and told him that we didn’t HAVE to see that one, but he reassured me, telling me that he wouldn’t have suggested it if he didn’t want to see it. So off we went to the movies to see a cartoon.

After the movie, we trekked back to the car (yay for New England blizzards…it was fucking freezing). We made out for a bit in the car and then he asked if I wanted to go get some drinks in my neighborhood. Of course I did. We went to the two most hipster bars in the area, which I love, and had a few PBRs (yes!). I challenged him to a game of Big Buck Hunter, which I obviously won (I’m a good shot…don’t mess with me). We were sitting at the bar afterwards, kind of swooning over each other when we decided that we needed to figure out what to do with the rest of our night.

I invited him back to my apartment, suggesting that we could go and chill there for a bit. He lives a few towns over, at his parents’, so obviously THAT’S not happening for awhile, so he accepted the offer. My roommates weren’t home, which is extremely rare, so we camped out in my living room. He looked through my AWESOME movie collection and decided that we’d watch Elf. So we cuddled up on the couch, with my clingy cat, watching Elf. Every now and then we’d start making out, but mostly it was just a big snug-fest.

Towards the end of the movie, like pretty much any time a man and a woman decide to watch a movie alone together, things started getting pretty hot and heavy. Lots of kissing that started getting pretty physical. We’d break away from each other and go back to cuddling, but it was a vicious cycle. I was having mixed feelings since I knew that if either of us wanted it to go any further that night, I was going to have to drop the H-Bomb on him. I decided not to panic about it and just let things happen. I hadn’t tried it that way yet and things have been so good with him that I didn’t feel all that scared to tell him.

So the make-out session left the living room and went into my room. Before clothes started coming off, I broke us off and told him I needed to tell him something, but that we needed to cool off for a second. He was very sweet about it while I told him what was up. Pretty much, he just smiled and said “Okay, cool. It’s alright.” I double and triple checked with him and he said that he would tell me if it wasn’t cool and that he’s had a cold sore before, so he wasn’t all that scared of it.

So then after a few minutes, I leaned back in to kiss him and then, well, you get the picture.

He ended up staying over and left for home late morning. He told me that we’d be hanging out again soon.

In closing, this boy got his ass up early on a Saturday morning to go an event he had minimal interest in, dropped money on my lunch and movie tickets to see a cartoon movie he wasn’t super interested in seeing, and was totally cool with me being HSV2 positive. He also remembers things I tell him and is a blast to be around. Not to mention, he’s a total sweetheart. And hot.

So fingers crossed that he isn’t one of those guys that says all the right things to get into a girl’s pants. I don’t think he is, but I’ve been wrong before. However, I don’t think I’m wrong this time.


More on Mini Marky Mark

I don’t want to leave you all hanging on this guy, so I’ll give you a little more info on him.

I texted him right after I wrote that last post and he responded right away. We chit-chatted for a few minutes and I asked him if he’d like to get together soon. He said yes and we decided to go out on Sunday.

He picked me up at my apartment Sunday evening (and complimented my sparkly shoes) and we drove to one of my favorite bars (which coincidentally is where all my successful first dates start- more on that later). We grabbed a few beers and an appetizer.

After chatting for a few hours (with an annoyingly attentive waitress), I noticed that we were playing a game of footsies underneath the table (Hi, sometimes I’m a Junior High School Girl).

At some point in the night, I had mentioned that even though I love sports, I’m not very coordinated, so I don’t play them. Later on, he said something about me being clumsy, and I defended myself saying that there is a difference (THERE IS!). He laughed at me and grabbed my hands and apologized for offending me.

He was very sweet throughout the night and it was nice (refreshing even) to just go out with someone who was just normal. He wasn’t cheesy, he wasn’t too dorky, he wasn’t too macho. Just a normal guy.

We walked back to his car and because it’s New England, it’s already freezing at night here. I mean, FREEZING. So we’re sitting in his car while he starts it and he mentions that his car takes a second to warm up. I said “Oh it’s okay, it’s better in here than out there at least” and he goes “No. It takes way too long to warm up”. I was SO tempted to finish “the line” for him (“Oh, let me warm you up” or SOMETHING along those lines), but I let him just lean in and kiss me instead.

We made out for awhile in the parking lot. It was pretty awesome. Also, pretty awesome that he didn’t get all handsy on me. Just a makeout session. He then drove me home, kissed me for a few minutes in front of my house and then he let me go. We agreed to make plans after the holidays since I was going to visit family in Maine for the week. Also, he waited to start the car back up until I was safe inside my house, which I found to be slightly adorable. Most boys, once they realize that I was in the Army and do Muay Thai, think that I can fend for myself and don’t think about “worrying” about me, so when a guy does little things like that for me, I think it’s special and cute.

We texted each other for a little bit after I got inside and then when he got home, saying that we were excited to hang out again.

I sent him a message on Wednesday, saying that I hope he had a good holiday and couldn’t wait to hang out again. He said the same.

Last night, while sitting in my sister’s bedroom, I got a text from him, asking how my holiday was. Turns out he was in my neighborhood (in Boston, duh) and that we needed to make plans ASAP when I returned.

So yea. That’s all happening. Now I’ll probably keep fairly quiet on him on here. And if you’re wondering, in sober vision he does still look kinda like a Wahlberg, which is SO exciting (yay!).

We’ll see how it goes. Few more dates and an H-Bomb to throw at him before we all get TOO excited on here. And don’t worry, I still have to catch you up on some of the crazies that have been happening, too. 🙂


The Engineer

I saw no point in crying over JGB, so I jumped back on the horse and went on a date. Actually, before I went on this date that I’m about to mention, I went out with another guy that was SO boring, he’s not even worth a blog post. Sad. Anyway, moving on!

So on Wednesday, I sort of already had plans to go out to the bar with guys from the gym (including #SecretCrush since he’s finally back!), since our Jiu Jitsu instructor got his green card. However, I didn’t have any details and was procrastinating a little when I saw The Engineer’s OKCupid profile. He was pretty hot and seemed interesting enough, and I love engineers (see: Love of my Life) I clicked to meet him and he clicked back. We started flirting fairly aggressively right away, but not….bad. I don’t know how to explain it. Basically, we’re both cocky and it was just fun. We were going to meet up when my friends texted me with details, so I asked if I could raincheck for Friday night. He said it was fine. I gave him my number and went out with the guys.

He texted me on Thursday, throughout the day, mostly flirting. We talked about sex a little, which made me nervous since I feel that that never ends well. I asked him what he was looking for and adorably he said “I’m not supposed to tell you this, but I’m actually looking for something serious, but I’m not going to jump into anything either.” I said that I was looking for the same. He also told me that he actually doesn’t like hook up sex, and that he finds it disappointing. Now, he could have been just saying those things, but I like to think that he means them.

He texted me Friday morning and we texted on and off throughout the day. I wasn’t sure if he was still going to come out (things got a little iffy for a bit), but he did come out! He came over to my apartment, since I have parking spaces nearby, and asked if he could change clothes in my apartment (he came straight from work). I let him in and my roommates were impressed with his looks and manners. I’m serious, this guy is hot.

We settled on going to my favorite restaurant/bar, since it was storming and the place was nearby. Usually I don’t really drink much on a first date, but I made an exception for this guy. I don’t really know how to explain how our “relationship” is. We hit it off so well right off the bat, so going out with him felt easy. He has a very dominant personality, but not in an “I’m an asshole” kind of way. Just slightly cocky. Enough to make him fun (for me). Conversation was fun, he teased me quite a bit, but I knew that he was going to. It was a fun date. We both had quite a few beers with our dinner, which he paid for, and then we walked back to my apartment.

We sat on the back of his car for a bit and then I offered for him to come upstairs to my porch, since it was nice out and he didn’t want to drive home right away. We sat on the couch for a bit, but it was so muggy out. I then asked if he just wanted to go inside to my air conditioning and we could just watch tv or something. He agreed and inside we went.

After sitting on the couch for awhile, he put his arm around me and pulled me closer to him. We ended up cuddling for a little while…long while really, when he said “You know what I just realized? I haven’t kissed you yet.” I said “Nope, you haven’t.” and then he pulled me in for a small, light kiss. Very sweet. Line was a little cheesy, but I can be a sucker for that. We watched “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia” for awhile while kissing every now and again.

Then suddenly, time flew by and I realized that we had fallen asleep on my couch, cuddling. Apparently my roommate had even come in and we had no idea, we were that passed out. We woke up, kissed some more, and then he decided that 3:30am was probably a good time to go home. So he left, leaving me with a last good night kiss and telling me that we’d make plans soon (but that he’d be busy this week since he’s moving, which I was already aware of).

So. There’s that. We’ll see where this one takes me.


Jeff Goldblum Boyfriend, continued

Forgive me, as I’m typing this on my phone and there are bound to be several autocorrect failures, but I HAVE to catch you all up on JGB.

Things are wonderful right now. :):):)

We chatted here and there during the week and we made plans to go out on Saturday. I had tickets for minor league baseball at Fenway. Despite a late start (thanks to Boston’s transportation system making JGB almost 45 minutes late…I knew he was running late since e was keeping me up to speed), we had a good time. We ran into his friends who were also there and sat next to them after awhile. Early on, it was just the two of us catching up on what had gone on during the week and getting to know each other better. He genuinely was interested in the baseball game, but didn’t understand who we playing so he kept asking me questions to understand better. Once we moved and sat with his friends, he put his arm around me and we sort of cuddled for a bit.

We left the games early, since he said he owed me dinner and drinks for being late. We went to a bar in my neighborhood and had a nice dinner with some beers. I figured our date was over then, which I was a little bummed about, but then he asked if I wanted to go back downtown.

We decided to go out and hang out some more with more drinks at a bar near Faneuil Hall. After a hilarious drive looking for parking, we finally found some and headed into this bar. We had a few beers, heckled some horrible karaoke performers all while cuddling on this bench. Then went upstairs to the “club”. Neither of us are dancers really, so he put his arm around me and reached for a kiss. It was an awesome kiss, wow. We ended up just kissing a lot until we decided to check out and take a walk around Boston.

We held hands and strolled around downtown Boston which is something I’ve always wanted to do. I LOVE this city, especially at night. He also loves Boston, so it was just a very sweet walk for both of us. Then he drove me home, we made out in his car, and I went inside.

He didn’t try to come inside, nor did he feel feel me up while kissing me. I couldn’t believe it!

We hung out again yesterday. We walked around downtown Boston again (after greeting each other with a small kiss) and in the parks. Then we ran some errands and went out for some pizza. Afterwards we went to the Charles River and sat on this bench for forever watching the sunset and cuddling. More kissing too, obviously. After, we walked over to my apartment since it was nearby and hung out with my new dude roommate, who is from the same town as him. They got along well and then we just cuddled on the couch and watched tv with bouts of heavy making out. He didn’t push for sex and he also took my news about my excess baggage very well. He left around 11 and already made plans for us this weekend. 🙂

I really can’t believe how awesome this guy is. Whenever I would ask the not-boyfriend out, he’d say “sure.” It always bugged me because I felt like I was dragging him out. When I ask this guy out, he says “absolutely yes”. I melt every time.

Also when I flat out told him that I liked him, he replied that he likes me, too. 🙂


A pet name?!

I’m assuming, due to my stats for this blog, that most of my readers are American and probably have NO idea what I’m going to be referring to here. So I’ll give you a backstory before I get into the story from Friday.

In 2008, I spent a month in Stockholm, Sweden. Best trip ever. Anyway, while tooling around T-Centralen, I saw this white hippo thing. No one else saw it and I became obsessed with it. “WE HAVE TO GO BACK TO SEE THE WHITE HIPPO!” We ended up meeting some British kids and when I mentioned it, they thought for a minute and said “Oh, do you mean Moomin?” Well, I had no idea, but the thing was there (big guy in a costume, it was great). Our new friends informed us that it wasn’t a hippo, but a troll. It’s like a Scandinavian Mickey Mouse. It’s a Finnish thing and in Finland they have a giant amusement park dedicated to it! Moominland!  Anyway, I got my picture taken with the Moomin mascot and was very happy. I still talk about going to Moominland someday.

Fast forward to present day- I made friends with this guy a few months back and found out that his wife is from Finland. They love Moomin, too! And during my birthday last weekend, I stumbled across a Birthday Moomin book which was CRAZY. I snatched it up and I show everyone that gives me a second to do so. 🙂

So on Friday, the Not-Boyfriend came over. After hipster hunting from my porch, inviting him to a baseball game, and discussing different family issues and jokes, I showed him my Moomin book. He has seen the picture of me with the Moomin mascot, but never really asked about it (since he knows that I’m silly like that). I’ve never really gone over my Moomin infatuation with him, so this was a new thing for me to talk about to him. I explained what it was and how adorable they are and then we went back to cuddling and talking.

At the end of the night, before he left for home, we were semi-spooning when he goes “I think I’m going to start calling you Moomin.” First of all, I may have squeed on the inside, because that’s what my friend and his Finnish wife call each other sometimes, so to me it’s a very sweet term of endearment. Second, I don’t know what he means by this, but I feel it’s a step in the right direction. I’ve never heard him call anyone else by a different name completely. Usually he calls them by their names or some sort of abbreviation of their last names. He’s called me doll and dollface a few times, but my BFF in New Jersey calls me those, too, so I don’t think much of them. But a pet name?! And something that’s so adorable?!

So after he tells me, I smile and kiss him and we make jokes about “well, I’m as white as a Moomin, so I guess it fits.” He’s Mexican so we’re often throwing around jokes about the two of us. In my head, I tried to come up for a name for him, but I couldn’t quick enough. So I’ll give it some time and if he does actually refer to me as this new pet name, then we’ll see what I come up with.

What do you guys think of pet names?