Are You Friggin' Kidding Me?

One Bostonian's Misadventures in Dating


Mr. Baseball, vol 2

Hi all!

Mr. Baseball had our first date, FINALLY. We texted nonstop (against my own rules, but whatever) until he left his house for mine. I was sitting on my third floor porch when I saw him pull up, but I just sat up there, pretending not to notice. I’m so awkward like that. He walked up to my house and then yelled up to me “I know you’re up there”. I laughed and looked over the railing and he was downstairs waving at me.

Okay, that sounds sketchy when I say it like that, out of the complete context.

So backup- he and I have this wonderfully flirty and funny banter back and forth. I assure you that that it wasn’t creepy at all.


Anyway, I skipped downstairs and he greeted me with this big smile and giant hug. It was so nice to finally FINALLY meet him. I was glad that so far, I had not been catfished.

We walked to the T to head to Fenway. We talked nonstop on the way there. This was so awesome- it was like we’d always known each other. There was no awkward transition from texting to talking in real life.

And he was completely adorable in real life, too.

We got to Fenway and I took him on a mini tour of the Park. He’d been there before, but never on the Green Monster. I loved being able to take him around and kinda show off how awesome I am and at the same time, it was fun to see him so excited about it. I always love showing people the Park.

We grabbed food and then went to our seats. I introduced him to a few of my friends/coworkers that we ran into along the way. He was very sweet. I kept teasing him for wearing a Red Sox shirt (he’s a Rays fan, so it was painful for him) and got one of the Fan Foto guys to take a photo of us for the Red Sox site. I tease him by saying I’m going to buy it so I can laugh at him. 

Anyway, we ended up moving to some nicer seats, thanks to my friend who is an usher in a premium area. It was great to watch the game with someone who loves it as much as I do. It was also fun because we just talked the whole time and already had inside jokes and everything. 

This is all so crazy, because it was the first time we had met. If you saw us that night, it’s like we’d known each other a long, long time. 

After the game, we headed back towards my neighborhood. We ended up standing outside my house for almost an hour, just talking. We even had hugged and said good night at one point…and then continued to talk for another 20 minutes. We hugged again and he headed off home. He did send me a text soon after saying how happy he was to meet me and to discover that I wasn’t catfishing him. 


Honestly, I’m really digging this guy (no shit, right?). It’s a little nuts, because we haven’t hung out again yet, due to our schedules and the distance between us. He’s in process of being hired at a job that would move him closer to me, but it’s still up in the air I guess. 

The best part is that he’s into me as well. We still talk nonstop. The flirting is a little thicker, but it still hasn’t crossed the line at all. He’s very, very sweet, but not so sweet that it’s disgusting. 


So I guess for now, we just ride it out and see where it goes.